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- Education

- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)Participate and get involved in on of our thrilling MOOCs to get more familiar with urban mobilities thinking!
Ready to imagine a radically different mobility future? Alternative Mobility Narratives is about the stories that we tell ourselves about why and how we move. By critically examining our current narratives, we help you think about mobility in a new way. Using systems dynamics modelling, we explore how a mobility innovation (of your choice) impacts our mobility system as a whole, for better or for worse. This course will invite you to reflect on our mainstream mobility narrative built on engineering and economics. But warning: you may end up never looking at mobility in the same way again!
Sign up for the online course here.Unraveling the Cycling City bundles the state-of-the-art knowledge that emerges from research and practice on the Dutch cycling system. As such, it provides an easily accessible platform to learn about important causes and effects, to open minds for the complexity of the entire system and to support group deliberations around the world.
Sign up for the online course here.
In Reclaiming the Street, you will learn about the mechanisms of change and challenges you to apply this knowledge to start creating vibrant streetscapes in your neighbourhood. This six week course will guide you through seminal academic work on the topics of transition management and street experiments while providing practical insights from practitioners from around the world. A final peer-reviewed project integrates key takeaways from each module of this course to help you write an actionable plan for change.
Sign up for the online course here.
And more to be launched in 2022.