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- UMF in the media
Radio, Podcast & TV
Imagine Mobility Futures by Marco te Brömmelstroet
Why was John Lennon in bed with a bicycle in 1969? And are we still thinking the same in 2021? This talk was the keynote at the Cycling Research Board meeting in Copenhagen in 2021.
Traffic Safety or Traffic Violence by Marco te Brömmelstroet
Literally nobody is against traffic safety. But the WAY we approach, talk and think about it, and the ways we do research on it strongly defines how we define problems and where we look for solutions. Instead of choosing together to no longer accept the injustice of systemic traffic violence and instead of ensuring that people can once again use the street without constant fear, we continue to choose to focus our attention on behavior, protection and the education of the geese.
But that is a choice. Our choice. Your choice. So, let’s choose together to change this.
Great Thinkers: Marco te Brömmelstroet presents Donella Meadows
A presentation, initiated by SPUI25, introduces the "Great Thinker" and pioneer in system dynamics modeling, Donella Meadows. With her contribution to "The Limits to Growth" the environmental scientist became world-famous and incredibly important to science and society.
Watch the full presentation here.Marco te Brömmelstroet - The Art of Using Mobility Language
A lecture, recorded for Digital World Bike, on the importance of using the right language in mobility and transportation. With its qualities of simplifying and shaping reality, language offers a way to influence mobility thinking and choices and to form them through new, sustainable, and diverse narratives in mobility engineering.
Watch the full presentation here.
- BNR Big Five (18.10.2019): Fiets. Listen to the whole show here.
- Geert Kloppenburg (25.11.2019): In gesprek met Marco te Brömmelstroet, Professor Universiteit van Amsterdam. Listen to the whole epidsode here.
- Nieuwsuur (08.12.2019): E-bikes en deelfietsen 'halen 200 jaar aan niet-innoveren in'. Read the whole article here.
- BNR Spitsuur (17.12.2019): Deel e-stepjes (vanaf 1:37:50).
- BNR Spitsuur (18.12.2019): Buitenlandse Deelstepaandbieders willen Nederlandse markt op. Listen to the show here.
- Editie NL (RTL 4) (02.01.2020): Leasefiets van de zaak: gaan we nu wél op de fiets naar het werk? Read the article here.
- Radio 1 (04.01.2020): Fietsend het jaar in
- Radio 1 (23.05.2020): Het Recht van de Snelste
- Rood Stuk Vlees (26.05.2020): Hoe de auto onze openbare ruimte kwam te dominieren, met Marco te Brömmelstroet.
- Radio 1 Belgie (25.05.2020): Nieuwe Feiten: En de winnaar is…de fiets!
- BNR Spitsbrekers (28.05.2020): Auto's te dominant geworden
- Pakhuis de Zwijger (03.07.2020): Marco te Brömmelstroet over een andere kijk op mobiliteit
- Radio 1 (Dit is de dag) (28.07.2020): Hoe zijn fietsongelukken met 70-plussers terug te dringen?
- PeletonTV (21.08.2020): Humanizing transportation
"BAM Infra Nederland and the University of Amsterdam start chair Urban Mobility Futures."