The new research programme 'Smart Cycling Futures (SCF)' investigates how smart cycling innovations ─ including ICT-enabled cycling innovations, infrastructures, and social innovations like new business models ─ contribute to more resilient and liveable Dutch urban regions.
Cycling booms in many Dutch cities. While smart cycling innovations promise to increase cycling’s modal share in the (peri-)urban transport system even further, little is understood of their impact or cost and benefit. Cycling innovations benefit urban regions in terms of accessibility, equality, health, liveability, and decreasing CO2-emissions when socially well embedded.
Going beyond analysis, this research consortium will assess the economic, social, and spatial impacts of cycling on urban regions. It brings together four Dutch regions through academic institutions (three general and one applied-science universities); governmental authorities (urban and regional); and market players (innovative entrepreneurs). Together, they answer practice-based questions in a transdisciplinary and problem-oriented fashion. The research program is funded within the NWO SURF funding scheme. Project period: April 2016-March 2021.
UU (prof. Rob Raven), UvA/AISSR (Marco Brömmelstroet and Luca Bertolini), TUE, Tilburg Universiteit, Windesheim, Min. van WVS, Stadsregio Amsterdam, gemeente Amsterdam, gemeente Eindhoven, gemeente Utrecht, gemeente Zwolle, provincie Noord-Brabant, provincie Utrecht, provincie Overijssel, CROW.